The Holy Miracle was also exposed to the people, on the occasion of prayer processions, when there was public calamities, at the request of the Senate Chamber, under license from the Patriarch of Lisbon and the monitoring of the General Vicar of Santarém.
The simple exposition of the Blessed Miracle, public or private, was dependent on approval of the prelate or the Chapter of the Cathedral of Lisbon seat vacant.
As mentioned in a provision of January 9, 1653, sent to the House, where it was determined that the prior of St. Stephen's Church, incurred the penalty of excommunication ipso facto incorrenda in the care of souls management suspended for a year and pecuniary penalty of two hundred crossed to the Bull of the Holy Crusade. This should be the eldest councilor to whose care was the provision of convenient wax and at least two of the prelates of existing convents in the village, or whom the substitute.